Morganna Luna coven
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Welcome to our homepage! We are a Dianic Wicca coven based out of the Rockdale/Austin, Texas area. We hold coven meetings at every full moon and at every sabbath. We established our coven to teach, to learn, and to grow together. We are open to new members regardless of thier sex, sexual preference, nationality, or race. We have set up this website to help further educate each other and the world on our beliefs, Wicca in general, and the Dianic tradition inparticular. Please feel free to roam through our website and contact us for any information you need, you would like to share, or if you are looking for direction in your quest for who you are.

Through the Goddess we find strength
High Priestess of Morgana Luna coven

The Call Of The Goddess

Beloved Daughters and Sons of the Goddess!
I am seeking for thee! Those of You who completely
resonate with, and seek to embody with the throughts and beliefs of the natural religion called Wicca. If this is you, and you know yourself to be an inherently Mystical and Magickal Daughter or Son of the Goddess and Worship and Protect ALL Living Things. Then we can go deeply into the Ambrosial Nectar of White Magick, Mysticism, Spellcraft, Rites and Rituals of the Dianic and Celtic traditions, Herb, Oils, Candles, Incense, Stones, Trees, Plant, Flowers, Lore and deep daily Meditation and Goddess Activism on behalf of our all giving, loving, living Goddess and all of her Sacred Animals and Creatures!

Site Updates
Finally got the website up and running.. I'll add pages as quickly as possible. Morgaine

Site Enhancements
Below the "Blessed Be" picture is a link to email the coven, please feel free to email us is you have any questions about Dianic or Celtic Wicca, any information you would like to share, or you are wanting to find out more about the coven. We also know of a few people in the Central Texas area who make Alter cloths, costumes, and cerimonial clothing and bags for covens or individuals. If you are wanting to get some information about these individuals please feel free to contact the coven untill I get a links/contact page up.



Witches Unite!
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